Halloween or in my part of the world (Ireland) Samhain is a special time of the year . It is a time for remembering that we are spirit & interconnected – not just with those in our lives now, but with also with those who have gone before us, not only people, but with all of creation. The changing of the season into the darkness of winter is a natural invitation to slow down, de stress and come home to our own inner calm.
As we slow down and tune into our own inner calm. As our hearbeat slows we become more attuned to the world around us and we realise again that we are actually connected with every living thing. In the busy -ness of the routine activities, the fast pace & often the stress of daily daily life we can forget this.
As I Iook out my window now I feel connected to the seasonal changes in the garden. As I slow down & look, and allow it in, I feel a calmness & peace that connects me with this threshold moment in the natural world as the seasons change, and that ancient wisdom teaches us presents a thin veil so that we can more easily connect with the spirit world, with all who have gone before us at this special time of year.
This special time of the year also helps me to connect more deeply with both with the buddhist metta or friendship practise, and also with a favourite saying of the medieval Christian mystic Julian of Norwich who assures us that ‘ All will be well, all manner of things will be well.’
My wish for each of you in our Coming Home to Calm hisSamhain is that you might carve out
( see what I did there – not just pumpkin carving !) a little quiet time for yourself.
Maybe light a candle
Remember those who have gone before you, whose Iove & strength is now part of you,
Extend the circle to include those in your life now whose love & support nourishes & sustains you,
Let the candle flame represent all of creation and feel your own connection with every living thing.
Let the candle flame represent this.
Let your breath & the candle flame connect, so that you fall into a rhythm , and find yourself coming home to your own inner peace & calm.
Finally take some time to wish yourself & your beloveds living or dead & all of creation including yourself well.
May we all be well
May we all live with ease
May we all live in peace .
If you would like to benefit from more time and space to come home to your own inner calm you might like to join me for my next online Mindfulness and Compassion retreat on Saturday November 27th. For more and to book your place follow this link: https://mindfulfacilitation.com/courses/at-home-retreat/