As a young woman, working in frontline, management, and later as a consultant to the not for profit sector I was the original ‘teflon coated’ ‘resilient’, ‘ever ready‘ professional, passionate about my work, and maybe a tad hard on myself as I strived to be perfect. My burnout came out of nowhere and it cost me dearly. Since my recovery my lifelong passion has been to ensure that no one I work with burns out on my watch. Something that I like to remind myself and others is that ‘we are humans not machines’.
For years I worked in four different ways as a Spiritual Companion, a Wisdom Supervisor, a Mindfulness Teacher and a Wellness Facilitator – each offering the wonderful but often depleted individual a different pathway away from burnout and towards a life of success, meaning, purpose and happiness. In recent years I have distilled my experience of supervising, coaching and facilitation into cutting edge, bite size trainings. I have brought my 20 plus years of experience to this because we need to address the current challenges of stress and burnout. Never before has it been so important to build resilience , wellbeing and mindful leadership as in this always ‘on’ digital age where we sometimes live our lives over stretched, over busy and out of touch with ourselves. Wisdom Supervision and Inner Resilient Leadership are each a specially curated safe space to do this important work.
During the session, I listen as you share. I may occasionally question, challenge, or support you as appropriate. Ultimately, you will own whatever insights are uncovered, as well as whatever action you might take. We end the session with a short meditation, thanking Wisdom for the sacred space and the support, and asking for continued guidance and blessings in your life.